
Dreamy Gardens of Chicago’s North Shore

A book by Benjamin F. Lenhardt Jr. and photographed by Scott Shigley immerses us in the histories and beauty of 25 private gardens along Chicago’s North Shore. We share 12 favorite scenes from its pages

As Ye Sow: Saving and Planting Poppy Seeds

"It’s like shaking pepper out of a shaker. It’s that simple," writes gardener Mary Walton Upchurch of the seeds saved from dried poppy pods. Sow your own poppy seeds this fall, and reap the benefits year after year

Plant Daffodils This Fall

When temperatures cool (and a few weeks before it freezes), it’s time to plant spring-blooming daffodils. Gardener Mary Walton Upchurch tells us what she’s learned about growing the early spring bloomers and shares her favorite varieties.

Cozy Up Your Outdoor Spaces for Fall

Small celebrations at home bring joy. Make them special—and revel in the autumn weather—by moving them outside. Tammy Powell, designer at Blackjack Gardens in Birmingham, shares tips for refreshing outdoor living spaces for fall

Growing a Butterfly Garden

Sunny beds of nectar-rich blooms and caterpillar-friendly host plants will bring butterflies fluttering your way. Gardening enthusiast Mary Walton Upchurch shares her tips.