
Scene: May/June 2024

What we've got our eyes on in May and June: fresh-from-the-farm-roses, floral-inspired jewelry, and the newest garden reads.


Nothing inspires us to pause like a fluffy, fragrant rose.

Fluffy pink and orange roses on a floral platter.

Photo by David Hillegas

1. David Austin roses (bundles starting at $99) from Grace Rose Farm, gracerosefarm.com

2. Scalloped Leaf Tray with Handles ($550) by Anna Weatherley through Fête, tresbellefete.com

3. Vivian fabric in Forget-Me-Not (inquire for pricing) by Leah O’Connell Textiles, leahoconnelltextiles.com


Drawing from nature’s most timeless shapes, these pieces will bloom eternally.

Pieces of jewelry styled on top of floral wallpaper.

Photo by David Hillegas

1. 30mm Floral Engraved Round Disc ($5,000) on Club Bracelet with Diamond Clasp ($10,500) by Single Stone, singlestone.com

2. 13mm Wild Child Studs ($8,000) by Paul Morelli, paulmorelli.com

3. Daisy with Moonstone Petals and Diamond Center Earrings ($7,650) by Elizabeth Locke Jewels, elizabethlocke.com

4. Small Pave Diamond Flower Drop Earrings ($8,600) by Anita Ko, anitako.com

5. Kelly Necklace ($8,000) by Gumuchian, gumuchian.com

6. Chocolatier® Earrings with Cinnamon Citrine® ($2,468) by LeVian, levian.com

7. Chalcedony, Blue Topaz and Diamond Brooch ($4,200) by Singhvi Jewels, singhvijewels.com

8. Velvet (to the trade) by Osborne & Little, osborneandlittle.com

9. Golden Lily Wallpaper (to the trade) by Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com

Jewelry styled in a grid on top of floral wallpaper.

Photo by David Hillegas

1. Vintage 1957 Platinum, Pink Topaz, Aquamarine, Emerald & Diamond “Flower” Brooch ($129,000) by Verdura, verdura.com

2. Campanula Wallpaper (to the trade) by Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com

3. Assael Morganite Keshi Pearl Flower Earrings (price upon request) by Assael, assael.com

4. Fruit Wallpaper (to the trade) by Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com

5. Coloured Cocktail Earrings ($77,000) by Buccellati, buccellati.com

6. Golden Lily Wallpaper (to the trade) by Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com

7. Pansy Earrings ($28,000) by Oscar Heyman, oscarheyman.com

8. Hyacinth Wallpaper (to the trade) by Morris & Co., morrisandco.sandersondesigngroup.com

A brooch made of purple flowers.

Photo by David Hillegas

1. Mid-Century Carved Amethyst, Nephrite and Diamond Floral Brooch ($1750) from Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry, langantiques.com


Welcome warm-weather rays indoors and out with garden-themed décor and accessories.

A cat stands on a chair next to a pile of books.

Photo by David Hillegas

1. Caspar Arm Chair ($995) by Authentic Provence, authenticprovence.com

2. Meadow Multi Fabric in Leaf ($124 per yard) by Elliston House, ellistonhouse.com

3. Cranling Articulated Floor Lamp ($475) and 14-inch Straight Empire Shade in Egg & Spoon Ikat Gray Green Silk ($125) by Pooky Lighting, us.pooky.com

4. Ditsy Block wallpaper in Bombolone ($193/roll) by Little Greene, littlegreene.us

5. Antique print from The Temple of Flora by Dr. Robert John Thornton; similar prints through Adams Antiques & The Potager, adamsantiquesandthepotager.com

6. Green Laurel Teacup ($170) and Saucer ($90) by Herend, herendusa.com

7. Citrona & Oranges Cocktail Napkins ($420/set of 6) by E. Braun & Co., ebraunnewyork.com

8. Antique French Louis XVI carved fruitwood marble top side table ($895) from Adams Antiques & The Potager, adamsantiquesandthepotager.com

9. L’Alliance Wellingtons in Navy Rubber ($450) by Fairfax & Favor, fairfaxandfavor.com

A grid of a lamp, potting container, a scarf, and roses.

Photo by David Hillegas

1. Axford Lantern, Verdigris (inquire for pricing) by Vaughan, vaughandesigns.com

2. Annie Floral 45×45 Silk Scarf in Cream ($130) by Liberty, libertylondon.com

3. Handmade Hexagonal Naranja Terracotta Tile ($24.57/square foot) by Bert & May, bertandmay.com

4. David Austin Roses (bundles starting at $99) from Grace Rose Farm, gracerosefarm.com

5. Grapevine Oval Basket ($2,500) by Pennoyer Newman Garden Planters, pennoyernewman.com


Every one of these new garden books will become a perennial favorite.

A pile of books in front of floral wallpaper.

Photo by David Hillegas

1. Wild Wisteria Mural in Ochre wallpaper ($600/repeat of three rolls) by Thibaut, thibautdesign.com

2. Outside In by Sean A. Pritchard, published by Mitchell Beazley, octopusbooks.co.uk

3. Fine Gardens by Jon Carloftis, published by West High LLC, joncarloftis.com

4. The Garden Liberated by Paolo Pejrone, published by Rizzoli, rizzoliusa.com

5. The Tulip Garden by Polly Nicholson, published by Phaidon, phaidon.com

6. Private Gardens of Philadelphia by Nicole Juday, published by Gibbs Smith, gibbs-smith.com

7. Garden: Exploring the Horticultural World by Phaidon Editors, published by Phaidon, phaidon.com

8. Life in the Garden by Bunny Williams, published by Rizzoli, rizzoliusa.com

9. Miranda Mini Globe Vase in Heliotrope ($255) by William Yeoward Crystal, williamyeowardcrystal.com

10. Conner Cane End Table ($920) by Chelsea House, chelseahouseinc.com


A moment we found beautiful and awe-inspiring.

Ariella Chezar walks around a floral table in a Moroccan-inspired room.

Photo by Ingalls Photography

“I believe in ‘traveling flowers.’ A birthday dinner might require a generous table arrangement, or a grouping of mock orange branches in your entry hall. Once the guests have gone, move the mock orange into the bedroom, where their nocturnal scent can lull you to sleep. Or deconstruct that bouquet the next day and carry a small vase to your home office when you go to pay your bills. Take flowers into a bathroom, fill the tub, light a candle, relax.” — Ariella Chezar, from Home in Bloom (Ten Speed Press, 2024)

Produced & styled by Amanda Smith Fowler | Photography by David Hillegas