
A Q&A with the Denver-based floral designer, who captures the abundance of the harvest with arrangements starring one of autumn’s early divas: the dahlia

A homemade shrub (a syrup made from fruit, vinegar, and sugar) plus a splash of ginger ale puts a holiday-worthy spin on the classic cranberry-and-vodka cocktail

This pleasingly piney drink, excerpted from VERY MERRY COCKTAILS by Jessica Strand, will be a satisfying way to spread cheer after a day of decorating or a walk in a wintery forest

Taking a note from Mother Nature and good sense—and backing it up with science—the luxury skin care company born of the Savannah tides is redefining aging gracefully

Bored, restless, tired of streaming? Try a new activity, recipe, gardening idea, or delve into the curious histories of everyday items in your home—these titles spark engagement in our current lifestyles during Covid-19.

The new online retail platform brings the event designer’s whimsical and irreverent style to at-home parties everywhere

When temperatures cool (and a few weeks before it freezes), it’s time to plant spring-blooming daffodils. Gardener Mary Walton Upchurch tells us what she’s learned about growing the early spring bloomers and shares her favorite varieties.

Chefs Robin Bentley and Lidey Heuck prepare an autumn-inspired menu for a festive outdoor meal at the home of Wendy Wurtzburger and Chris Bentley in Philadelphia’s Wissahickon Valley Park

Small celebrations at home bring joy. Make them special—and revel in the autumn weather—by moving them outside. Tammy Powell, designer at Blackjack Gardens in Birmingham, shares tips for refreshing outdoor living spaces for fall

FLOWER magazine welcomes interior designers Elaine Griffin and James Farmer as well as author/artist Frances Schultz as contributing editors

Ideal for an al fresco feast, this juicy ribeye is topped with a New Orleans-style BBQ sauce with a California-Southern spin. Recipe excerpted from CALIFORNIA COOKING AND SOUTHERN STYLE by Frances Schultz (Skyhorse, 2019)

Looking for the perfect dip for your vegetable harvest? Frances Schultz shares a classic Italian recipe from her book CALIFORNIA COOKING AND SOUTHERN STYLE (Skyhorse, 2019)