
Cherished Holiday Decor

Designers and tastemakers to share their most cherished holiday decor

We asked some of our favorite designers and tastemakers from coast to coast to share how they celebrate the holidays.

What is your most cherished holiday decor?

Danielle Rollins, cherished holiday decor
"As a child, my parents gave me Steinbach nutcrackers every year for Christmas, and now my children give me one each year to add to my collection. When they were much younger, my mother would help them select one and wrap it, teaching them the joys of collecting, anticipation, family traditions, and most importantly, the joy of giving rather than receiving. They’re usually so excited to watch me unwrap the gift that it rarely makes it to Christmas morning under the tree!"—Danielle Rollins
Photo by Sarah Dorio
cherished holiday decor
"I acquired a collection of Christmas tree candle holders when I lived in Denmark. I actually light them on the tree, which both entertains and terrifies my guests!"—John Marshall Watson
Photo by Magdalena Kucova
cherished holiday decor
"I love decorating with natural greenery from North Carolina. Outside on the garage doors, I do large, fresh wreaths with big red bows. Inside, I stick to a limited palette of natural greens and classic paperwhites."—Suzanne Kasler
Photo by Erica George Dines
cherished holiday decor
"I have an assortment of snow globes that I have been collecting since childhood. I have about 25 of them that I scatter throughout the house."—Jan Showers
Photo by Jeff McNamara
cherished holiday decor
"We have a set of silver holiday bells from my mother-in-law that we hang every year from the chandelier in our dining room. That was her tradition, and it reminds me of our happy times together."—Jane Scott Hodges
Photo by Elizabeth Davis

Written and Produced by Margaret Zainey Roux


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