
Unboxing High Camp’s Gardenia Vine and Bloom Box

Flower magazine unboxes a special delivery—cut-to-order gardenias shipped overnight directly from High Camp Supply Company’s farm on the California coast

“I would have one of these delivered every day if I could,” says Flower Managing Editor Alice Doyle. Indeed, the day our High Camp Gardenia Vine and Bloom Box arrived, we were over the moon as the beautiful blooms filled our editorial office with the unmistakable perfume of fresh gardenias.

The flowers arrive a bit “sleepy” after their overnight journey in a cool box shipped from High Camp Supply Company’s coastal California farm. But once you trim the stems and place them in cool water, the flowers wake right up. It’s as if you just clipped them from your own summer garden. High Camp offers its farm-fresh gardenias year round, so you can enjoy them any season.

Watch Flower‘s Jessica Cohen as she walks you through four easy steps to unboxing a High Camp Gardenia Vine and Bloom Box, available at flowermagshop.com.


1 | Remove any excess leaves from the gardenia stems, which High Camp calls “vines.”

2 | Snap or cut the stems, and place them in a vase filled with cool water.

3 | Float short-stemmed blooms and buds in a bowl of cool water.

4 | Manually open gardenia buds by gently pulling the petals away from the center.

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