
Margot Talks to Alex Hitz

FLOWER's Margot Shaw chats with Alex Hitz, author of THE ART OF THE HOST, about bringing comfort to the table in uncertain times. Plus, find recipes mentioned in the episode

[vc_row][vc_column][gem_youtube width=”770″ height=”433″ video_id=”RDSyJEEVRS0″][vc_column_text]In the premiere episode of Margot’s Fresh Picks, we find Alex Hitz busier than ever, temporarily residing at Atlanta’s St. Regis hotel while consulting for a dear friend—the owner of Soiree Catering and Events—shifting gears to meal deliveries during stay-at-home restrictions. Margot Shaw, Flower magazine’s editor-in-chief, joins Alex remotely to talk about his latest book, The Art of the Host, as well as the simple comfort foods and traditions that bring us together. Watch above, and find out more about Alex’s book and featured recipes below.

Recipes Mentioned

Guaranteed: The Perfect Roast Chicken: Knowing how to roast a perfect chicken is “what separates the wheat from the chaff in the food world,” says Alex. Fortunately for us, he’s sharing an anyone-can-do recipe for this essential dish. Get the recipe.

Alex Hitz's Guaranteed: The Perfect Roast Chicken with Roasted Chicken on a silver serving tray

Honey Bear’s and Polly’s Mixed Berry Crumble: This classic, rustic dessert impresses haute and humble tables alike. Alex was introduced to it by his late friend Betsy Bloomingdale, who once “lavishly entertained the gratin of Hollywood.” The name honors her two daughters-in-law. Get the recipe

Alex Hitz's berry crumble recipe mentioned in episode 1 of Margot's Fresh Picks

The Art of the Host: Recipes and Rules for Flawless Entertaining by Alex Hitz (Rizzoli, 2019)

Alex’s Go-To Floral Designer

The talented Kirk Whitfield of K and Co Floral Design in Atlanta styled all the floral arrangements featured in the pages of The Art of the Host. See Flower magazine’s story “4 Simple, Colorful Arrangements by Kirk Whitfield.”

Featured Book

The Art of the Host: Recipes and Rules for Flawless Entertaining by Alex Hitz (Rizzoli New York, 2019). Read Flower‘s book review.

About Margot’s Fresh Picks

In ordinary circumstances, Flower magazine Editor-in-Chief Margot Shaw spends much of her time traveling around the country speaking at special events, visiting with subscribers, and keeping her eyes out for new stories to share with readers. Since she is currently sheltering in place with so many others, she decided to take to the road on a virtual tour with friends of the magazine who have recently published books on decorating, entertaining, and gardening. Follow Flower magazine on social media for announcements of upcoming virtual interviews. Learn about her book Living Floral: Entertaining and Decorating with Flowers (Rizzoli New York, 2019).

Produced by Susan Sutton and Terri Robertson[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]