
A Fresh and Fragrant Start

Jaclyn Journey creates an arrangement abundant in texture and fragrance for the new year
jaclyn journeyMy inspiration for this design was the start of a new year. After the whirlwind of the holidays, my mom would take down the decorations mid-January, and I remember coming home from school to the cleanest-smelling house. This time of year always brings me back to that, so I incorporated some materials with fresh fragrances to add to layers of texture. The geranium has lemony scent, and its foliage is unexpected and fun. The pine brings to mind freshly fallen snow, hyacinth smells like the start of springtime, and the dried hydrangeas are a nod to summer around the corner. Sweet-smelling chocolate cosmos adds a deep color—perfect for winter—that balances the garden roses’ pops of peach. –Jaclyn Journey

Step-by-Step Instructions

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jaclyn journey, fragrant arrangement
Step 1
Begin by cutting a square of the chicken wire, and then bunch it into a little mound and place it in your vase. (Because the wire will be hidden, you don’t need to be exact with measurements. My vase was 14 inches by 8 inches, so I cut my chicken wire slightly smaller than that.) Attach the wire to the inside of the vase with clay floral tape (I only used a few pieces), and fill the vase with water.
Step 2
Now that you have a form to hold your arrangement firmly in place, add in the foliage, which will serve as the base of the arrangement. Start with the variegated eucalyptus and place the branches around the perimeter of the vase.
Step 3
Continue adding the remainder of your foliage, including the cedar, smoke bush, camellia, and geranium. Fill in the holes by layering materials over the eucalyptus, with some stems longer than others.
Step 4
Next add a few hellebores. Because the stems are very structured, they’ll help shape the arrangement. Place three stems at different points in the container to create a triangular shape, with each one facing out.
Step 5
Now it’s time to add the rest of the blooms. Start with the dried hydrangeas, incorporating them the same way as the hellebores, and follow with the hyacinths, tulips, and snowberries.
Step 6
Next add the garden roses. Using clippers cut the stems about six inches from the top, and pull off any dead outer petals.
Step 7
At this point, look for any holes in the arrangement and fill them in with fern. When adding in the fern, place each stem so that it faces the direction it naturally leans. This gives the arrangement a more organic look.
Step 8
As a finishing touch, add a few stems of cosmos in varied heights going in all different directions. I love cosmos for their scent and rich color.

Lately I’ve realized how much scents connect me to specific memories and experiences. The fragrances I’ve incorporated here remind me of the freshness after holiday cleanup. Because this is my off-season, these days are some of my calmest and are a great opportunity to reflect on what’s to come. I wanted this arrangement to represent some of that hopefulness that I enjoy during this time of year.

By Jaclyn Journey | Produced by Alexandra Schmitt | Photography by Whitney Neal

More Arrangement How-Tos