“For me, working hard and being with flowers every day is important.” —Azuma Makoto
Learn what inspires the Tokyo-based master florist, artist, and author, and how he thinks about flowers in Exposé #14: Azuma Makoto:
“Azuma Makoto is not just a flower artist at studio AMKK, but also a businessman and owner of the flower shop Jardin des Fleurs. The common theme in everything he does is his love for flowers. And that runs very deep. He doesn’t just put flowers at the heart of his work: he worships them, does everything to show off their ultimate beauty and creates the perfect conditions for doing this…” Read the full interview, “Welcome to the World of Azuma Makoto,” at FunnyHowFlowersDoThat.
Thanks to FunnyHowFlowersDoThat for sharing the Exposé video series with Flower. Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter and check out their other site, TheJoyofPlants.

See more of Azuma’s extraordinary work in his Encyclopedia of Flowers: Flower Works by Makoto Azuma photographed by Shunsuke Shiinoki (Lars Muller, 2012). And follow him on Instagram.