
Almond Punch Recipe

FLOWER style editor Amanda Smith Fowler shares her mother’s recipe for Almond Punch, a family favorite at Easter gatherings
Easter table centerpieces and cookies
“We serve this versatile punch to the kids with ginger ale, cherries, and fruit. And for the adults, we mix it with Prosecco,” says Amanda Smith Fowler, style editor at Flower. Almond Punch adds to the festive spread at Amanda’s annual Easter celebration, along with (pictured above) floral designs by Leska Graves Taylor and cookies from Mary’s Cakes & Pastries.



  • 5 cups sugar
  • 1 gallon warm water
  • 1 (46 oz) can pineapple juice
  • 1 (7.5 oz) bottle frozen Minute Maid lemon juice, thawed
  • 1 small (2 oz) bottle almond extract
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 (2 liter) bottle ginger ale, chilled (or Prosecco for adults)
  • Garnish: fresh cherries, grape skewers, orange slices (optional)


  1. Dissolve sugar in 1 gallon warm water; let cool.
  2. Add pineapple juice, lemon juice, almond extract, and vanilla extract to sugar mixture. Stir well.
  3. Freeze mixture in wide-mouth gallon jars. (Leave some room at the top when filling the jars to allow the liquid to expand as it freezes.)
  4. Remove punch from freezer 4 to 5 hours before serving.
  5. To serve: Fill glasses halfway with slushy Almond Punch. Top off each serving with ginger ale or Prosecco. Garnish with fresh cherries, grape skewers, and orange slices, if desired.

Recipe courtesy of Amanda Smith Fowler | Photography by Laurey W. Glenn

See more refreshing drink recipes.